The Future of Work – What Challenges


  • João Dias da Silva Secretário-Geral da FNE – Federação Nacional da Educação, Porto, Portugal



As could not be otherwise, the changes in the world of work are associated with the evolution of techniques and technologies that now occur at a much higher speed than that when these changes took place in the past.

We all know that the world is changing and that the job market is also changing, but what we have to do is ensure that these changes take place within a framework of rules and values of respect for people and the dignity of work, that is, within of the framework of principles that we associate with the concept of decent work.

In this way, what is meant here is that we are confronted with a reality of permanent change, because, as the Poet already reminded us, times are always made of changes, always taking on new qualities.

These changes integrate new knowledge and skills, which determines new responsibilities for society in terms of defining new frameworks that enable the permanent adaptation that we all have to make within the framework of lifelong learning.

Finally, it is important to emphasize that these changes, to be rich and enriching, also require environments of dialogue and participation.


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How to Cite

Dias da Silva, J. . (2023). The Future of Work – What Challenges. Millenium - Journal of Education, Technologies, and Health, 2(22), e31273.


