Resilience forces and processes in families with adolescent children




nurse specialist; adolescence; family; communication in parenting; family resilience


Introduction: Adolescence brings along new challenges, with effects on the families' daily lives, which change their dynamics and lead to constant challenges and consequent adjustments in interfamily relationships.

Objective: analyze the characteristics of parents and adolescents that are related to the strengths and processes of resilience in families with adolescent children.

Methods: Quantitative, descriptive, and correlational study whose data collection was carried out online through the application of a sociodemographic questionnaire, the Family Strengths Questionnaire (Melo & Alarcão, 2011), and the Communication Assessment Scale in Parenting (COMPA- P) (Portugal & Alberto, 2014). The sample consists of parents with teenage children between 14 and 17 years old.

Results: It suggested that family sociodemographic variables were not associated with family resilience processes. Regarding parental communication, there was a positive and significant relationship between its dimensions and the dimensions of the Family Strengths questionnaire. As for the characteristics of the adolescent, it was concluded that the health status was positively associated with family resilience processes. The regression model demonstrates that the adolescent's health status, as well as the dimensions of meta-communication and trust/sharing of parents towards their children, are explanatory factors of the strengths and processes of family resilience.

Conclusion: Knowing the strengths and resilience processes of families allows us to develop adapted and appropriate responses to each family in order to promote family resilience, since this has an impact on the health and well-being of family members and on the family itself as a system.


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How to Cite

Sanches, C., & Jorge, A. . (2024). Resilience forces and processes in families with adolescent children . Millenium - Journal of Education, Technologies, and Health, 2(14e), e31402.



Life and Healthcare Sciences