Effective communication in the handover in the emergency department: nurses' perception



Introduction: The transfer of patient care between the professionals responsible for them can compromise patient safety. Be it in handovers, or intra and inter-hospital transfers. It is essential to establish effective communication in order to ensure the fluidity of the assumption of care and responsibilities. These assumptions avoid the occurrence of adverse effects, possible delays in diagnosis and treatment, and delays in the recovery of the person in critical condition.

Objective: To assess the perception of the nurses in the Emergency Department who provides care to a person in a critical situation in relation to the information transmitted during the shift changes.

Methods: This is a quantitative, descriptive, cross-sectional and correlational study, based on the analysis of the results of the application of the "Handover Evaluation Scale" questionnaire (Tranquada, 2013), to 59 ED nurses from a hospital in the North of Portugal, who provide care to people in critical situations.

Results: Nurses' perception of communication during handover is favorable in relation to most of the aspects addressed. The nurses valued communication in the context of the multidisciplinary team, and emphasized aspects related to the importance of training and professional experience with the quality of communication. The favorable perception of the nurse translates into the high level of significant situations (between 70 and 90%) that about 80% of nurses report being able to transmit during the handover. 36% of participants point to the need to make improvements, most of them related to the organization of the care transition process and the problem of interruptions.

Conclusion: The results point to a favorable perspective of nurses perception of communication during handover, although some aspects need improvement, whether related to the objectivity and relevance of the information, or the need for a calm context that favors concentration, thus without interruptions.


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How to Cite

Alves, C., & Veiga-Branco , M. A. . (2024). Effective communication in the handover in the emergency department: nurses’ perception . Millenium - Journal of Education, Technologies, and Health, 2(14e), e33823. Retrieved from https://revistas.rcaap.pt/millenium/article/view/33823



Life and Healthcare Sciences