Risk of falling at home in the elderly - assessment in a community





falls; elderly; community nursing


Introduction: In Portugal, falls are identified as one of the most relevant problems in the aging population, with consequences in terms of morbidity and mortality that are partly avoidable. Recent data indicate falls as the main mechanism of injury in this age group and the house as the most prevalent location.

Objective: To determine the prevalence of falls at home in elderly people enrolled in Day Care Centers in a county in Viseu; assess the risk of falling and identify factors associated with falls.

Methods: Analytical cross-sectional study with a sample of 86 elderly people, the majority female, and an average age of 81.96±6.62 years. Data were collected through the application of inquiries.

Results: Around 86.0% of the elderly reported having already had a fall at home, of which the majority (52.3%) mentioned that it occurred in the last 12 months. The greatest number of falls occurred in the street/outside, kitchen, and stairs and were associated with age and the use of walking devices. The main reasons for falls were tripping (68.9%) and stairs (15.6%).

Conclusion: The results reinforce the need to reflect and plan interventions in nursing, particularly in Community Nursing, and thus consolidate and promote safety in the provision of healthcare.



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How to Cite

Gil, R., Amaral, O., Carvalho, P., Ribeiro, A., Pinto, R., & Coimbra, T. (2025). Risk of falling at home in the elderly - assessment in a community . Millenium - Journal of Education, Technologies, and Health, 2(17e), e39129. https://doi.org/10.29352/mill0217e.39129



Life and Healthcare Sciences