Dialogical as a methodological transdisciplinary principle in research in education
transdisciplinarity, method in the social sciences, research in educationAbstract
This paper presents the dialogue as of transdisciplinary research perspective. We start presenting the route followed by Mikhail Bakhtin, Paulo Freire, Edgar Morin and Basarab Nicolescu to work dialogical methodology in their works. Further, it discusses the transdisciplinarity understood in its methodological aspect, as a process that occurs in three simultaneous steps: analysis of different levels of reality, the logic of the included and complexity. We sought, through literature, raise theoretical points on the dialogism and research transdisciplinary between the above authors. In dialogic is not rejected any arrow of knowledge, the process of disciplinary knowledge, multidisciplinary, interdisciplinary part of unity in diversity that makes up the transdisciplinarity. In this perspective, Nicolescu (2000) says there is no overcoming a previous level of knowledge, but that opposites coexist and that therefore the retroactive principle and self-regulatory occur simultaneously. So it is an important methodological approach to the social sciences.Downloads
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