Validation of a form to assess the self-care competence of the person with ventilation ostomy




self care; nursing care; validation study; ostomy; tracheostomy


Introduction: Self-care competence can improve health outcomes in people with a tracheostomy. The use of an instrument to assess the self-care competence of the person with an ostomy allows for organized and complete data collection, facilitating the identification of nursing care needs. In Portugal there is no validated instrument that allows the assessment of self-care competence of the person with a tracheostomy.

Objetives: To assess the psychometric and clinimetric properties of the form to assess self-care competence of the person with a tracheostomy.

Methods: Methodological study in a non-probability sample of 195 participants.

Results: The form presented high internal consistency values, being greater than 0.90 in all domains. Inter-judge reliability, the Wilcoxon test, and the two-half test showed very similar values ​​in the evaluation performed between evaluators. Regarding its validity, a positive interdomain correlation and good relation between clinical variables were demonstrated.

Conclusion: The instrument demonstrated good psychometric and clinimetric properties, however further studies are needed to assess reliability and validity.


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How to Cite

Pereira, B., Queirós, S. ., Brito, A., & Santos, C. (2023). Validation of a form to assess the self-care competence of the person with ventilation ostomy . Millenium - Journal of Education, Technologies, and Health, 2(20), e27027.



Life and Healthcare Sciences