Ontology-driven nursing practice: a case report in family nursing
case study; family; nursing ontology; transitionAbstract
Introduction: This ontology-driven nursing practice focuses on the family as a unit while also considering individual needs and promoting personalized and inclusive care.
Objective: To characterize the care plan for a family transitioning to parenthood, including integrating the new family member.
Methods: Case report supported by the CARE guidelines for clinical case reporting.
Results: The care plan demonstrates the autonomy of nursing practice by emphasizing individual health and the importance of family processes during the transition to parenthood while also empowering parental roles and promoting self-regulation, resilience, and inclusive care.
Conclusion: The report highlights the role of community family nurse specialists in supporting individuals and families during the transition to parenthood, emphasizing the interconnection between personal health and family dynamics. It advocates for a holistic, flexible approach, supported by a health information system, fostering communication among healthcare professionals and improving family well-being.
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