Intellectual styles, learning strategies and academic adjustment in Brazilian higher education
Intellectual styles, learning strategies and academic adjustment in Brazilian higher education
Learning styles, Learning strategies, Academic adjustment, Higher educationAbstract
The objective of this study was to investigate how intellectual styles, learning strategies and academic adaptation are presented in higher education, seeking possible correlations and dependency relationships between these variables. Three hundred and ninety six undergraduate students from three Brazilian states (M = 22.8 years, SD = 4.9), of both sexes, responded to the Intellectual/Thinking Styles Inventory - Revised II (TSI-R2), the Learning Strategies Scale (EEA-U) and the Higher Education Academic Adaptation Questionnaire (QAES). The results indicated the prevalence of hierarchical style, of social self-regulation strategies, and that students are better adapted to career planning. There was a positive and significant correlation between the hierarchical style and the adaptation to the career planning, which is of medium magnitude, and between this same style and the strategies of cognitive and metacognitive self-regulation, of small magnitude. Relationships were found between the hierarchical style and the adaptation to career planning, and between the external style and the social adaptation. The psychoeducational implications were discussed in order to conjecture deeper explanations for the difficulties of higher education students
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