Knowledge of bivariate statistics by Portuguese prospective primary school teachers
Knowledge of bivariate statistics by Portuguese prospective primary school teachers
Two-dimensional distribution, Linear correlation, Linear regression, Prospective primary school teachersAbstract
The aim of this paper is to analyse the statistics knowledge of a sample of prospective primary school teachers when they solve a task involving a two-dimensional distribution, in relation to the graphic representation, to the linear correlation and to the linear regression. The study involved 50 students, who were attending the 2nd year of the Bachelor in Basic Education at a university in the north of Portugal. The data were collected from the students’ answers through the application of several probability and statistics questions in a formal evaluation environment. In this paper we will be concerned only with the two-dimensional distribution case. Finally, in terms of results, the students were more successful in the graphic representation of the distribution. About half or more students were evaluated correctly in the signal and the intensity of the linear correlation. Finally, the students had many difficulties in the linear regression, when determining the estimation of the value for a variable known the value of the other.
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