A The professional insertion of a PIBID scholarship Student: The case of a math teacher
The professional insertion of a PIBID scholarship Student: The case of a math teacher
Professional insertion of teachers, Math teacher, Ethnographic case studyAbstract
The paper focuses on the professional insertion of a mathematics teacher that held the PIBID scholarship and nowadays works on the second level of Elementary School in a municipal public school in Rio de Janeiro, Brazil.
An ethnographic case study was performed, in a way that the teacher’s experiences, education and expectations were understood by means of in-depth interviews and participating observation. Theoretically, the paper dialogues with Cochran-Smith, Fiorentini and Marcelo Garcia. The results show that: there’s a tendency to the isolation by the beginning teacher; there’s a force of the area and an epistemological belief in transmissive teaching; the PIBID scholarship appears as a contribution in what refers to the knowledge of the professional context.
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