Os Titles in the process of story writing by 2nd grade student


  • Luís Filipe Barbeiro CELGA-ILTEC / Instituto Politécnico de Leiria
  • Luísa Álvares Pereira CIDTFF / Universidade de Aveiro
  • Rosa Lídia Coimbra CLLC-DLC / Universidade de Aveiro
  • Eduardo Calil PPGLL/LAME / Universidade Federal de Alagoas




Writing process, Titles, Stories


The title, while referring to the text, also functions autonomously. Its motivation comes from its relationship to the text and to other known titles. We aim to understand the genesis of titles in the process of writing stories by 2nd grade students. For this, the interaction between the students, organized in dyads, producing stories was registered using the RAMOS system, an audio-visual resource that simultaneously captures the dialogue between students and what they are writing. The transcriptions of the production of 14 stories by four dyads were analysed and the dialogue concerning the title was considered as a unit of analysis. The results show the autonomous place of the construction of the title in the process of writing and the projection in the title of a nuclear element of the history. Understanding the process of writing a title may help students to be aware of its importance and possibilities.


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How to Cite

Barbeiro, L. F., Pereira, L. Álvares, Coimbra, R. L., & Calil, E. (2020). Os Titles in the process of story writing by 2nd grade student. Portuguese Journal of Education, 33(2), 71–94. https://doi.org/10.21814/rpe.18339




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