Escala de avaliação das estratégias de aprendizagem (ensino profissionalizante): Adaptação e estudos psicométricos
Learning strategies assessment scale for vocational education: Adaptation and psychometric studies
Estratégias cognitivas, Estratégias metacognitivas, Avaliação psicoeducacionalAbstract
This study aimed to investigate the psychometric properties of the Learning Strategies Assessment Scale for students in Vocational Education (EAVAP-EP). We adapted this scale from Middle School to vocational education through a focal study with five teachers and 11 students. Through the expert judge's analysis and a pilot study with 24 students that evaluated the representativeness and comprehension of the adapted items of EAVAP-EP, we obtained the content validity of the EAVAP-EP. Afterwards, 401 students participated in the search for validity evidence based on EAVAP-EP internal structure. Principal component analysis indicated the explained variance of 31.37% of the instrument. EAVAP-EP presented 28 items divided into three dimensions: cognitive, metacognitive, and dysfunctional metacognitive. Factor loadings were above 0.30. The EAVAP-EP reliability estimate was also verified (total scale: α = 0.86). We suggest the use of EAVAP-EP in the context of vocational education and the continuity of research with the instrument.
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