Doctoral education in Portugal: Mapping the landscape
Doctoral education, Mapping, Portugal, Knowledge societyAbstract
Assumed as a strategic resource for the knowledge society and economy, doctoral education has become the target of policy attention and intervention, with clear effects on its organisation and offer. Especially in Europe, and under the influence of several actors, doctoral education has grown in terms of the number of universities delivering it and of programmes; it became more diversified, with doctoral programmes in the most varied scientific areas and with different types and purposes; and it became more structured, with the inclusion of a curricular component and the shortening of the duration of the degree. Many of these changing trends are evident in the configurations assumed by doctoral education in Portugal. This article aims to contribute to a better understanding of these configurations by mapping the current landscape of doctoral education in the country. The analysis takes into account aspects such as the institutional, geographic, and scientific distribution of doctoral programmes, as well as their characterisation in terms of structuring, length, and collaboration. Finally, the trends observed in the doctoral education landscape are put into perspective and recommendations are put into perspective with a view to its (re)organisation, targeting both policymakers and universities.
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