Use of Kahoot! in teaching procedures: A systematic review of the literature
Digital technology, Gamification, Teaching and learningAbstract
Literature reviews and quantitative data analysis in education allow the identification of the effect of the analyzed variables and description of the procedures of published studies, enabling the planning of new studies and the proposition and evaluation of pedagogical strategies and resources. This study aimed to systematically review the literature of empirical studies in which Kahoot! was used to assess learning and review academic content on student performance in different academic subjects. The search was carried out on the Portal de Periódicos CAPES/MEC, using the keyword “Kahoot!”, of articles written in English, French, Spanish, Italian, and Portuguese from 2017 to 2021. Twenty-two studies that met the inclusion criteria and exclusion criteria were selected. Twenty of the 22 studies used quantitative methods to assess student performance. The results show that the use of Kahoot! improves participant performance. Intervention procedures were generally used to evaluate or review previously taught content. We conclude that the reviewed studies demonstrated that Kahoot! can be indicated as a pedagogical strategy suitable for assessing learning and reviewing diverse academic content.
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