Evolution of the perception of digital competence in university teacher training after emergency remote teaching





Higher Education, Teacher Training, Distance learning, Digital competence


Since COVID-19, the integration of digital tools and skills in higher education is already a reality in all countries. The aim of this study is to analyse the perception of teachers (n = 88) and students (n = 487) – of the Degrees in Early Childhood and Primary Education and Master of teacher training of a public university in Madrid – on the evolution of their digital competence, in general, and of the different competence areas, both before and during the emergency remote teaching. For this purpose, we rely on the well-known Common Framework of Digital Competence in Teaching of the National Institute of Educational Technologies and Teacher Training (INTEF). Using a quantitative methodology and an ad hoc questionnaire validated by experts, a descriptive, correlational and inferential analysis of the variables was carried out. The results show in both profiles the availability of sufficient digital resources to face this modality, a significant increase in the self-perception of this competence, highlighting greater development in the following areas: Communication and Collaboration, Creation of digital content and Security. They also show dissatisfaction with the virtual modality due to the excessive workload and the continuous training required. This study helps to rethink the curricula of future teachers and the training plans of university faculty on the necessary digital competence today.


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Author Biographies

Marta Gómez-Gómez, Universidad Rey Juan Carlos, España

Training: Doctor in Pedagogy (UNED), Graduate in Pedagogy (UCM), Diploma in Early Childhood Education (UCM), Master in Innovation and Research in Education (UNED) and Master in Neurodidactics (URJC).

Teaching: in the Degree in Early Childhood Education, Degree in Primary Education and Master's Degree in teacher training in Secondary, Baccalaureate, FP and Languages since 2009 ​​(URJC).

Research lines: Educational technology, Teaching digital competence, Teaching training, Service-Learning.

Awards: Best ICT Introduction Project in a center (SIMO, 2013) and 3rd Prize in the VII Edition of Innovative Teachers for the work "Pedagogical Experience of Virtual Bonds during confinement (EPLAVI)", Special Mention: COVID-19 and Good Practice (URJC, 2020).

She collaborates in the High Performance research group of the Laboratory of Information Technologies in Education (LITE) and is a research member of the research group on Innovation and Educational Improvement (IMEI) at the URJC.

Raquel Hijón-Neira, Universidad Rey Juan Carlos, España

Training: Computer Engineer and European Doctor in Computer Engineering (URJC). Award for the Best Thesis of the IEEE Spanish Chapter.

She teaches as a Full professor in the Degrees in Bilingual Primary Education, Design and Development of Video Games, Computer Engineering and Master's Degree in Teacher Training (URJC) such as "ICT in Education" and "Computer Science and Digital Teaching Competence".

She is a founding member of the research group of the Laboratory of Information Technologies in Education (LITE).

SIMO Award (2013) for the best ICT integration project in an educational center.

Research lines: Software and innovation in teaching programming, Educational technologies, Serious games.

Liliana Santacruz-Valencia, Universidad Rey Juan Carlos, España

Training: Electronics and Telecommunications Engineer and PhD in Telecommunications (UC3M).

She teaches in the Degrees in Early Childhood and Primary Education of "ICT in Education" and "Computer Science and Digital Teaching Competence". She has been director of the Master's Degree in Digital Teaching Competence and Computational Thinking (URJC).

Research lines: Digital competence and use of technologies such as augmented reality and the development of applications aimed at improving teaching-learning.

SIMO Award (2013) for the best ICT integration project in an educational center.

Member of the research group of the Laboratory of Information Technologies in Education (LITE) of the URJC.

Diana Pérez-Marín, Universidad Rey Juan Carlos, España

Training: Computer Engineer and PhD in Computer Engineering and Telecommunications from the Autonomous University of Madrid.

She teaches as a Full Professor in the Degrees in Early Childhood Education, Primary Education, Software Engineering and Design and Development of Video Games at the URJC. In the Degrees in Education, he teaches the subjects "ICT in Education" and "Computer Science and Digital Teaching Competence".

Research lines: Technology applied to education, Digital competence and Innovation and ICT.

SIMO Award (2013) for the best ICT integration project in an educational center.

Member of the research group of Laboratory of Information Technologies in Education (LITE) of the URJC.


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How to Cite

Gómez-Gómez, M., Hijón-Neira, R., Santacruz-Valencia, L., & Pérez-Marín, D. (2024). Evolution of the perception of digital competence in university teacher training after emergency remote teaching. Portuguese Journal of Education, 37(1), e24016. https://doi.org/10.21814/rpe.29708