Equity Through Crèche
Innovative Educational Response for First Childhood
crèche, early childhood, equity, potentiation, educatorAbstract
The present work highlights the importance of Crèche as a tool to enhance equity. It is methodologically consolidated as a position paper in the defense of Crèche, as a "place of childhood" that combines care with educating and intervening, in the conception of a native-digital child, competent and builder of culture, challenging the ancillary and adult-centered of contemporaneity. It seeks to uncover childhood and enhance equal opportunities for all, a quality allowed by highly educated kindergarten educators, with new constructs redefined by the emerging sciences, childhood sociology and educational neurosciences. Thus, the "secret" to enhancing equity is an education that begins with birth and reaches its peak in the first years of life, inclusive and for all, assuming pedagogical differentiation, namely through play, as a response to the difficulty of the childhood and e-child norm.
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