Brain Function: learning and change




learning mechanisms, automatic mode, executive mode, internal reference framework


This paper presents a revision synthesis of some of the scientific evidence regarding brain functioning and learning mechanisms, emphasizing some factors that facilitate the learning process.   Many studies in neuroscience have shown the existence of synaptic plasticity, with reinforcement of particular neuronal circuits during learning. The integration of two modes of brain functioning (automatic and executive mode), and three learning mechanisms (analysis, trial-error, and reward), drives the construction and alteration of our internal reference framework (IRF), as well as the consolidation of new information in the long-term memory. Learning environment rich in sensory and emotional stimuli may activate the reward learning mechanism. On the other hand, the construction of a IRF confident that new skills may be developed, and knowledge may be improved will promote attention to tasks that require a higher cognitive effort. Finally, factors such as aerobic exercise seem to promote learning though enhancement of neurogenesis.

Author Biography

Paula Pinto, Centro de Investigação em Qualidade de Vida



Capa: Funcionamento do cérebro: aprendizagem e mudança



How to Cite

Pinto, P. (2021). Brain Function: learning and change. Revista Da UI_IPSantarém, 9(2), 1–8.

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