urbanization and metropolization processes in Latin America

Some elements for reflection





This article highlights the mais socio-spatial processes analyzed in the investigation of urban and metropolitan phenomena in Latin America, using a socio-critical perspective, as well as new theoretical insights from urban political ecology. A literature review was conducted across a range of fields, including geography, urban and rural sociology, and environmental studies, using academic articles, book chapters and books (physical and virtual) to identify core processes of urban and metropolitan phenomena and the implementation of analytical categories. The paper highlights three key aspects: a) the most representative socio-spatial processes from studies analyzing Latin American urban and metropolitan spaces; b) the main approaches and researchers in the critical theory of urban and metropolitan processes; and c) the consolidation of the so-called Spatial Turn as a way of understanding the configuration of urban and metropolitan phenomena through the emergence of new interdisciplinary, theoretical fields, that have used notions of environmental and spatial justice to highlight the impacts of the capitalist production of space.


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Author Biographies

Marco Antonio Aguirre, Geógrafo

PhD(c) en Ciencias Ambientales, Universidad del Valle, Colombia

Geógrafo y Asistente de Investigación, Grupo Territorios (adscrito al Departamento de Geografía de la Universidad del Valle)

Profesor Auxiliar, Departamento de Geografía y Facultad de Ingeniería 

María Mónica Arroyo, Profesora Universidade de São Paulo (USP)

Doctora en Geografía. Profesora Universidade de São Paulo (USP). Departamento de Geografía

Oscar Buitrago Bermúdez, Profesor Titular Universidad del Valle

Doctor en Geografía. Profesor titular de la Universidad del Valle, Colombia. Investigador del Grupo Territorios (Departamento de Geografía, Universidad del Valle)



How to Cite

Aguirre, M. A., Arroyo, M. M. ., & Buitrago Bermúdez, O. (2023). urbanization and metropolization processes in Latin America: Some elements for reflection. Finisterra, 58(122), 117‑134. https://doi.org/10.18055/Finis28339



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