A Reserva Ecológica Nacional (REN): sua importância para o ambiente e ordenamento do território
THE NATIONAL ECOLOGICAL RESERVE (REN): ENVIRONMENT AND MANAGEMENT IMPLICATIONS. The National Ecological Reserve (REN) defined in Decree-Law 93/90 of March 5th is the «basic and diversified biophysical structure that guarantees environmental protection, through the creation of restricted areas» at rish through erosion (littoral or slope), flooding and aquifer recharge. The REN valuation, whose main aspects are referred to here, was carried out by means of an analysis of Municipal Master Plans (PDM) and a survey sent to all local authorities. As it was impossible to analyse the PDM of every district, a dis- trict differentiation was completed based on the biophysical index (Fig. 1 and 2), subsequently crossed by the district human pressure to obtain the district spatial differentiation of the environmental strain (Fig. 3). This allowed a standard district to be selected where the REN was analysed in full detail (Fig. 4 to 9). The survey allowed for the evaluation of the main conflicts in other districts between the REN and the goals of the PDM to be assessed, including the issues concerning the delimitation and the way the REN is seen by the councils and the citizens. The REN includes physical and biophysical systems (slope, fluvial, aquifer and littoral) that tend never to coincide with the administrative divisions. It is urgent that a national network be created of REN areas, planned and managed through more integrated means and an inter-municipal collaboration that can only be effective if environmental education is promoted, on both formal and informal terms.Descargas
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