Novos produtos imobiliários e reestruturação urbana
REAL ESTATE NEW PRODUCTS AND URBAN RESTRUCTURING - In the first part of the paper we present the new products of Lisbon urban landscape (luxury housing and office buildings). We point out that the new buildings break the traditional form of the city production in several ways, from their scale to the use and the location pattern they present. Besides, they also contribute to the creation of new centralities in the urban space.In the second part we try to understand the new trends identified. After reviewing the main theoretical approaches to the process of urban transformation, we look at the economic changes more relevant to explain the recent development of a busy market for office space and high standing housing that woks in a world-wide scale. They seem to be the tertiarization trend and the new role of estate investment in capital valuation combined with increased facilities in the circulation of the capital. We finish with the question of the position of the cities under this internationalization of the real estate markets.Descargas
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