Patient safety culture: study of some intervening factors


  • Manuela Ferreira Instituto Politécnico de Viseu, Escola Superior de Saúde
  • João Consciência
  • João Duarte
  • Daniel Silva



Safety culture, Quality of care, Communication


Introduction: Patient’s safety has a multidimensional and multidisciplinary character. In its multidimensional nature, WHO highlights the importance of the quality interaction and communication as determinants of quality and safety in health care delivery.

Objetive: To analyze the extent to which sociodemographic and professional variables influence nurses’ communication skills and what the impact of nurses’ communicational competencies on the safety culture of care.


Methods: A quantitative, descriptive-correlational, analytical and cross-sectional study with a sample of 138 nurses. We used the Hospital survey on Patient Safety Culture (Eiras, 2011), and the Clinical Communication Skills Scale (ECCC), validated by (Ferreira; Silva & Duarte 2016) for the evaluation of communication skills.

Results: The population has 32.51 years as average, with a standard deviation of 7.958. They are mostly female (77.54%) with a degree (94.4%) and have, on average, 9.41 years of professional experience. Age, marital status, work experience does not influence the safety culture of the patient. After the inferential analysis through a multivariate multiple regression, we note that all manifest variables (Years of professional experience, collects information, share information and allows to terminate the dialogue) showed significant values. The greater the years of professional experience less punitive error response.

Conclusions: The results point to the importance of some variables in the patient’s safety culture. This reality is circumscribed by new presuppositions and attitudes; Professionals who have to attend, in a timely manner, the evolution of knowledge, ensuring safe practices, assuring the quality of the care provided.


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How to Cite

Ferreira, M., Consciência, J., Duarte, J., & Silva, D. (2018). Patient safety culture: study of some intervening factors. Millenium - Journal of Education, Technologies, and Health, 2(6), 33–39.



Life and Healthcare Sciences