The influence of reduced and conditioned games in handball training
reduced games, conditioned games, training, handball;, youthAbstract
Introduction: Collective Sports Games are strongly present in the lives of children and young people, as they represent a privileged form of their physical and sports development.
Objectives: This study aims to assess the perception of Viseu Handball Association coaches about the importance of conditioned and reduced games, frequency of use, used variants and reason for use, in Handball teaching/training.
Methods: The study group was composed of 35 coaches, with effective participation in the training and competition process. The research instruments used were semi-structured individual interviews, organized from a set of questions based on the three dimensions of analysis already indicated.
Results: Reduced and conditioned games allow the development of decision making, adapting it to the team's game model, as well as making it possible to develop and transfer a set of necessary principles for performance in competition.
Conclusion: Reduced and conditioned games must be managed in a diversified manner and depending on the coach's final objective, as specific task conditions (duration, number of players, rules modification) promote different responses in terms of physical, technical, tactical and applied decision making, emerging the need to properly periodize the training process.
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