Clinical supervision strategies

critical-reflective analysis of practices




nursing, supervisory, critical thinking, strategies, practice patterns, nurses


Introduction: The clinical supervision in nursing is a formal process of monitoring clinical practice, which aims to promote professional development, client protection and safety of care, through processes of reflection and analysis of practices.

Objective: Identify current clinical supervision strategies.

Methods: Qualitative, exploratory study. A total of 42 nurses were recruited from three health centres in the north of Portugal. Data collection was carried out through semi-structured interviews and the analysis was performed according to the principles of the grounded theory method.

Results: From the analysis, the category critical-reflexive analysis of practices emerged and the respective dimensions and subcategories. The dimensions identified were: “Intrapersonal dimension”, from which two subcategories emerged; and the “Interpersonal dimension”, from which ten subcategories emerged.

Conclusion: Results identified a set of current supervisory strategies in use, promoting professional development, namely, the critical-reflexive analysis of practices. However, several constraints of individual and contextual nature were found to interfere with the operationalization of this strategy, meaning that further research is needed.


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How to Cite

Pires, R., Santos, M. R., Pereira, F., & Pires, M. (2021). Clinical supervision strategies: critical-reflective analysis of practices . Millenium - Journal of Education, Technologies, and Health, 2(14), 47–55.



Life and Healthcare Sciences