Bullying and the banalization of evil

an analysis of teenagers speech





bullying, critical discourse analysis (cda), violence, banality of evil, teaching


Introduction: This work is the result of research, productions and actions by the Research Group Humanities and Contemporary Society (GPHSC), from the Federal Institute of Mato Grosso (IFMT) on the phenomenon of school bullying with a view to empowerment. Bullying is characterized by being a systematic violence in which there is inequality of power, therefore, not all violence at school is bullying, but all bullying is violence and causes suffering to those involved.

Objectives: To describe and identify emancipatory as well as oppressive discourses about the fight against bullying.

Methods: The qualitative approach was adopted for this study and for data collection, an online questionnaire was applied with unstructured and structured answer questions. In this study, we analysed the responses of 42 adolescents aged 15 to 18 years, 23 female students and 19 male students, obtained in a teaching institution of the federal network and discussed, specifically, the following question: Is there a suggestion to stop bullying? The analysis of the collected data was interpreted through Critical Discourse Analysis (CDA) theoretically based on Hanna Arendt's concept of banality of evil.

Results: It was found in the students' answers, speeches that translate the symbolic discourses in the school environment, answers that indicated a critical/emancipatory view on combating bullying, as well as the perpetuation of discourses of violence and oppression of victims and aggressors.

Conclusions: It was possible to envision possibilities for interpreting students' discourses about combating bullying and these can corroborate actions aimed at youth leadership as a way to critically contextualize the issue of school violence and thus enable ways to mitigate this phenomenon.


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How to Cite

Santos, karine de S. ., & Fernandes, R. M. . (2022). Bullying and the banalization of evil: an analysis of teenagers speech. Millenium - Journal of Education, Technologies, and Health, 2(19), 25–32. https://doi.org/10.29352/mill0219.27821



Education and Social Development Sciences