Glycemic control in people in critical condition

“16 years in the path towards quality and safety "




nursing; people in critical condition; insulin; hypo/hyperglycemia; protocol


Introduction: Glycemic control in people in critical condition was implemented in an intensive care unit in 2003. Based on the publications of Dr. Greet Van Den Berghe and collaborators, a working group was created, and an action plan algorithm was designed. This algorithm underwent several changes, which were supported by scientific evidence and internal audits, to assess its effectiveness and safety.

Objective: Verification of the safety and effectiveness of the protocol and the implications for nursing workload.

Methods: Quantitative study of a prospective nature, data collection was carried out using a collection instrument prepared by the working group and statistical treatment using the Excel program.

Results: The evolution from 2003 to 2019 is evidenced by the results and respective critical analysis of three audits carried out at different periods, with actual samples of 115, 61, and 112 patients, respectively, in which the different protocols for glycemic control with administration of continuous intravenous insulin infusion, applied in the unit, were effective and safe, and hypoglycemia did not translate into major complications (0.09%; 0.02% e 0,1% respectively).

Conclusion: These results were mainly driven by the nursing team's ability to monitor and manage its responsibilities and less driven by the pre-defined goals of each protocol's blood glucose control.

Since September of 2018, we use the modified Yale.


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How to Cite

Bandeira, S., Sousa, R., Dinis, P., Santos, C., & Casanova, P. (2023). Glycemic control in people in critical condition : “16 years in the path towards quality and safety ". Millenium - Journal of Education, Technologies, and Health, 2(12e), e29278.



Life and Healthcare Sciences