Burnout in nurses in the care of the critical patient in the context of the Covid-19 pandemic: study in intensive medicin





Introduction: The Burnout Syndrome has become expressive during COVID-19 pandemic, with consequences for nurses in their personal and professional lives.

Objective: To recognize the perception of Burnout Syndrome behaviors among intensive care unit nurses in the post-pandemic period; to study the relationship between independent variables and the level of Burnout Syndrome.

Methods: Cross-sectional, analytic study based on the results of the Copenhagen Burnout Inventory application in a sample of 61 nurses, mostly female (70.5%) and aged between 21 and 45 years old.

Results: Burnout Syndrome behaviors were recognized, according to the perception of Intensive Care Medicine nurses: 42.6% of the sample perceived high Burnout Syndrome.  There were statistically significant relationships between sociodemographic and professional variables and the level of Burnout Syndrome perceived. 73.8% perceived Burnout Syndrome behaviors related to work, 60.7% perceived Burnout Syndrome at a personal level, and 19.7% of the sample perceived Burnout Syndrome related to interaction with the patient.

Conclusion: Nurses precepted high Burnout Syndrome levels in their work and personal lives and even related to interaction with patients, which substantiates the proposal presented in this study: the experience of intensive and personal proximity with patients deserves special attention in terms of training at this point, and, above all, specific assistance needs to be addressed to identify Burnout Syndrome and other pre-depressive signs.


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How to Cite

Martins, M., & Veiga-Branco , M. A. . (2024). Burnout in nurses in the care of the critical patient in the context of the Covid-19 pandemic: study in intensive medicin. Millenium - Journal of Education, Technologies, and Health, 2(14e), e30276. https://doi.org/10.29352/mill0214e.30276



Life and Healthcare Sciences