Supervising nurse difficulties in clinical supervision process: scoping review




preceptorship; nursing students; knowledge, attitudes and practice in health; nursing education


Introduction: Clinical preceptorship is an active and formal process that seeks to structure learning and develop professional skills, with a focus on autonomy and quality of care.

Objective: To map the scientific evidence on the difficulties experienced by the supervising nurse in the process of clinical supervision of nursing students in clinical education.

Methods: Scoping review in accordance with the recommendations of the Joanna Briggs Institute and the PRISMA guidelines. Search carried out in the Research Databases: CINAHL Complete; MEDLINE Complete; Cochrane Plus Collection; Scientific Electronic Library Online (SciELO); Online Knowledge Library (B-On); Virtual Health Library (VHL); Latin American and Caribbean Literature in Health Sciences (LILACS); Spanish Bibliographic Index in Health Sciences (IBECS) and Nursing Database (Bdenf). The eligibility criterion was to include studies that presented the difficulties experienced by the supervising nurse in the process of clinical supervision of nursing students in clinical education, from January 2018 to September 2024.

Results: Final sample consisting of 8 articles, whose results were grouped into 4 categories: training within the scope of clinical supervision; characteristics of the supervising nurse; characteristics of the clinical teaching context and articulation between health institution/school.

Conclusion: The supervising nurse must have knowledge in the field of clinical supervision, adopt interventions based on their personal/professional needs, the student's needs, the context, and promote coordination between the health institution and school.


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How to Cite

Pereira, A., Santos, M. E., Batista, R., Magalhães, M., Soqueiro, M. do C., Geraldo, D., Bebiano, C., & Félix, A. (2024). Supervising nurse difficulties in clinical supervision process: scoping review . Millenium - Journal of Education, Technologies, and Health, 2(16e), e35734.



Life and Healthcare Sciences