Empowerment of the school community to promote health literacy among young people: scoping review protocol





community health nursing; health literacy; empowerment; school health services


Introduction: The growing migration volume of young people is a challenge for health policies. The literature points to the school context as primary for promoting health literacy and developing the cognitive and social skills that determine the motivation for decision-making. School community is, from this perspective, crucial as a driver for an empowerment strategy for young people´s health literacy.

Objective: Map the contributions of the school community in the health decision-making process of Indigenous and migrant young people.

Methods: A Scoping review will be developed according to the Joanna Briggs Institute framework. The studies will be located on the CINAHL platforms via EBSCO, PUBMED, COCHRANE, Scielo, Lilacs, RCAAP, B-ON, and Google Scholar. The inclusion criteria are defined as teaching/non-teaching staff, health literacy, and 3rd cycle teaching at school. No time limits will be considered for the research. The analysis of articles, extraction and synthesis of data will be carried out by three reviewers.

Results: the results will indicate the contributions of the school community to health promotion as facilitating agents for health literacy among young people in the school context.

Conclusion: It is expected that the outcomes of this scoping will promote important contributions to the design of intervention projects by nurses specializing in community health and public health through the recognition of the school community as a promoter of health literacy for Indigenous and migrant young people in a school context.


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How to Cite

Miranda, J., Afonso, C., & Spínola, A. (2025). Empowerment of the school community to promote health literacy among young people: scoping review protocol. Millenium - Journal of Education, Technologies, and Health, 2(17e), e39124. https://doi.org/10.29352/mill0217e.39124



Life and Healthcare Sciences