A Risky Situation with Impact on the Whole Family: Teenage Pregnancy


  • Isabel Bica
  • Inês Esteves
  • Sara Cruz
  • Ana Andrade




teenager, pregnancy, family, family assessment


Introduction: Teenage pregnancy is a risky situation with impact on the whole family, which may cause crisis both in the teenager who gets pregnant – due to the inexperience and consequent difficulty in taking care of a child – and in the transgerational perspective.

Objectives: Applying the Dynamic Model of Family Assessment and Intervention (MDAIF) by Figueiredo (2009) and assessing the impact of nursing care in a family in clinical and community context.

Methods: Qualitative case study based on MDAIF in clinical context in Primary Health Care. This study was focused on family intervention process developed within a family of a 16-year-old who gets pregnant from a casual encounter with a 25-year-old boy she met on social networks (Facebook). Instruments: Genogram, Ecomap, Family Apgar and Graffar Scale.

Results: Middle-class extended family with different subsystems and strict limits. According to Duvall (1977), the family is at the life cycle stage - Family with teenage children. Despite the unplanned pregnancy and the fact that the young woman and her mother have a controversial relationship, her mother became an important support in the teenager’s life path and the newborn’s development.

Conclusions: The MDAIF’s use allowed the development of nurses’ skills for a family approach, contributing to meet the family’s needs, seen as care unit. In addition, it allowed the teenager to keep accomplishing her life project. It is suggested the continued use of MDAIF.


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How to Cite

Bica, I., Esteves, I., Cruz, S., & Andrade, A. (2016). A Risky Situation with Impact on the Whole Family: Teenage Pregnancy. Millenium - Journal of Education, Technologies, and Health, (1), 65–75. https://doi.org/10.29352/mill0201.05.00085



Life and Healthcare Sciences