Parenting, disability and satisfaction with social support
Disability, Parenting, Social SupportAbstract
Introduction: In the context of the major issues on adult people with disabilities, we found that there are few studies on family life and specifically on the potential and difficulties in the exercise of parenting, as well as the importance of social support in parenting tasks.
Objective: to know the values of parental self-efficacy and social support at parents with disabilities, as well as the relationships between these variables, in order to outline family intervention strategies. Methods: This is an exploratory and descriptive study, which used a non-probabilistic and convenience sample, composed of 30 parents with sensory disabilities. The gathering instruments were the “Self-efficacy Parental Scale” (Brites, 2010), “Social Support Satisfaction Scale” (Ribeiro, 2011) and a questionnaire with questions of socio-demographic nature.
Results: Regarding parental self-efficacy and its dimensions, we found that the results are lower compared to the results obtained in other studies with samples of parents without disabilities. With regard to satisfaction with social support, the values were high, particularly, in the dimension of satisfaction with family support. We also found positive and significant correlations between the overall and partial results of parental selfefficacy and satisfaction with social support.
Conclusions: The analyzes presented suggest that this line of research on the issues of the right to a full family life deserves further deepening specifically know the barriers and outline socio-educational support strategies to facilitate the self-determination of people with disabilities.
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