Signs and meaning gives religiosity for or idosos family caregiver




caregivers, frail elderly, religion, pirituality, health promotion


Introduction: In Brazil, the plurality of beliefs favors the search for spirituality as an emotional support to daily problems and limitations in the care process.

Objectives: To analyse reports from family caregivers of elderly dependents about the meaning of religiosity in the care provided at home.

Methods: A qualitative study based on symbolic interactionism was developed through semi-structured interviews and free observation with ten family caregivers of the elderly in their homes.

Results: The analysis of the understanding of the signs and meanings of religiosity attributed by the caregiver were expressed in the following themes: Faith to face problems in caring for elderly dependents; Prayer to strengthen care and appeal to patience and Obedience to biblical and religious principles. It is noteworthy that the mechanism of religion promotes welcoming, bonding and social support, influencing habits and lifestyles in the context of caring for the dependent elderly.

Conclusions: The study reveals religiosity and spirituality as support mechanism to face the difficulties of family caregivers.


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How to Cite

Silva, R., Vieira, L. J., Borges, R., Bezerra, I., Brasil, C. C., Goncalves, J., & Saintrain, M. V. . (2020). Signs and meaning gives religiosity for or idosos family caregiver . Millenium - Journal of Education, Technologies, and Health, 2(12), 85–93.



Life and Healthcare Sciences