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Submission Preparation Checklist

As part of the submission process, authors are required to check off their submission's compliance with all of the following items, and submissions may be returned to authors that do not adhere to these guidelines.
  • The contribution is original and unpublished, and is not under review or for publication by another journal;
  • Files for submission are in Microsoft Word, OpenOffice or RTF format (provided they do not exceed 2MB), according to the provided template.
  • Where available, DOI or URL for the references have been provided. The final version should minimize the use of undated references.
  • If applicable, the authors ensure that informed consent and authorization for publication of images or any other information that identifies the participants in the study have been obtained. However, real names or clear face images of participants cannot be included.
  • Whenever applicable, permission for use of copyrighted material was obtained;
  • Authors have read and agree to the ‘Copyright Statement’.
  • The authors have a registration on the ORCID platform ( before submitting the manuscript for evaluation.
  • From the moment of submission, the authors indicate full authorship of the manuscript, both in the metadata and in the non-anonymised file, and the inclusion or exclusion of co-authors after submission is not permitted. They also indicate the existence of conflicts of interest.
  • Upon initial submission, authors fill in all required metadata.
  • The manuscript scrupulously follows the standards and requirements described in the ‘Instructions for Authors’.
  • The authors undertake not to send the manuscript to another journal until an eventual decision to refuse submission is made.
  • Users must agree and comply with the requirements and criteria indicated above. If the manuscript does not comply with these requirements, it will be automatically rejected.
  • The author is aware that it is not permitted to submit a new article of his/her authorship (or in co-authorship) for evaluation while he/she has another active submission.

Author Guidelines


Before submission, it is recommended to consult and carefully analyze works previously published by PJE to ensure the thematic alignment of the manuscript to be submitted.


  • As of January 2024, there will no longer be a 2-year waiting period for publications by the same author, as has been the case until now. However, the author is aware that they will not be allowed to submit a new article by themselves (or in co-authorship) for evaluation while they have another active submission.
  • The submitting author confirms that he or she has indicated all co-authors in the submission metadata and in the non-anonymized file, and the inclusion or exclusion of co-authors after submission is not permitted.
  • An 'author' is defined as anyone who has effectively participated in the conception and development of the study, in the analysis and interpretation of the data and in the final draft. It is recommended that the total number of authors does not exceed five. The template should indicate the type of participation of each author. If there is any doubt about the compatibility between the number of authors and the results presented, the Editorial Team reserves the right to question the participation and refuse the submission, if deemed appropriate.
  • Whenever applicable, it should be indicated how compliance with ethical principles in accordance with international standards for carrying out research in social sciences and humanities was ensured (see AERA guidelines for educational research or Guidelines on Good Publication Practice from COPE, for example).
  • PJE accepts the submission of manuscripts previously made available in pre-print repositories, and the authors must provide the link to this publication. However, RPE assumes no commitment to accept these manuscripts for review or publication.
  • The article must not contain more than 20 per cent self-citations (from PJE or from the authors themselves) at the risk of being rejected for resubmission, after changing this issue. Several of the indexers in which the journal is included do not allow more than this number, which is why we have to be careful not to exceed the number of self-citations.

Documents required for submission:

To that end, they must submit a version of the manuscript in which their identification is protected by anonymity, using, for example, [Author 1, document date], instead of references to their own work, including the list of bibliographic references . Author identification should also be removed from the Word file properties (see under "File" menu): File > Save As > Tools (or Options on Mac) > Security > Remove personal information from file on save > Save. In addition, acknowledgments or references to projects or funding sources should not be included in the anonymous version of the manuscript.

Only after completing the process of including a document should you start including the other version, preventing them from overlapping and loosing access to one of the versions.


In addition to manuscripts submitted individually, RPE accepts proposals for thematic groups, consisting of 5 or 6 articles (see Norms for Thematic Issues). You must use the template defined for RPE articles.


It also accepts proposals for critical reviews of books published in the last 3 years, starting from the calendar year of submission. Authors can also submit reviews of older works, provided that they provide innovative and critical perspectives, duly substantiated. Enter the number of pages the book contains.


  • The limit for manuscripts is 8000 words, excluding summaries in different languages and information about authors. Reviews should not exceed 2500 words. Abstracts must be between 150 and 250 words.
  • The template provided must be followed when formatting manuscripts. Submissions that do not follow the indicated format will not be accepted for review.
  • In the body of the manuscript, italics or quotation marks (and not underlining or bold) are used to highlight words or expressions. This choice should be followed during the manuscript.
  • The manuscript follows the style standards and bibliographic requirements defined by the 7th edition of the APA standards (See APA Standards 7th Edition). It is suggested to include no more than 30 references.
  • The document must be made available in an editable format (. docx ), with figures, tables and charts duly integrated, subtitled, numbered, referred to in the body of the text and with an indication of origin/source. If the article is accepted for publication, the sending of figures, tables or charts in a specific format may be requested.


  • Sections of the text include: the purpose of the article, the subject and problem studied; detail of the theoretical framework that supported the investigation; the methodology, explaining ( sub )questions, objectives, collection procedures, data analysis and compliance with ethical rigor; presentation and discussion of data analysis; conclusions, with an enunciation of the study's main contribution to the scientific field of Educational Sciences; implications, limitations and possibilities for future work.
  • Footnotes should be avoided and, when necessary, they should be used sparingly, numbered consecutively and inserted in the footer of the respective page (and not at the end of the text).
  • The use of lists must be done uniformly and in a constant format.
  • Quotations that are translated into the language of the text must be accompanied by a clarification of the authorship of the translation. Translations are enclosed in double curly quotes (“ ” ) and without italics.
  • The parsimonious use of annexes and appendices is recommended. When indispensable, mention is required in the body of the text.
  • apud , idem, ibidem, op are not used . cit . Use “ as cited in” instead of “ apud ”. Write the reference in full instead of “ idem ”, “ ibidem ” or “ Cit ”. The use of “ ibid ” is not allowed in APA 7th edition standards.
  • Portuguese language texts can be written in European Portuguese or Brazilian Portuguese, as long as they are used consistently. However, Revista Portuguesa de Educação undertakes to respect the singularities of PALOP Portuguese.
  • The RPE template does not require the introduction of authors' biographical notes, which should only appear in the metadata , introduced during submission on the platform.


All submissions follow a uniform editorial process, as shown in the following flowchart. Authors will be contacted at various times throughout the editorial process, so we advise you to monitor the platform or your e-mail inbox.

Privacy Statement

The names and email addresses provided in the journal's website will be used exclusively for the stated purposes of the journal and will not be made available for any other purpose or to any other party.