TALIS 2018: Comparative analysis of the quality of education in Portugal in relation to the average of OECD countries, according to teachers and school directors





TALIS 2018, Portugal, Quality of education, Teachers, School principals


The Teaching and Learning International Survey (TALIS) is a study coordinated by the Organisation for Economic Co-operation and Development (OECD) about teaching, learning, classroom environment and the working conditions of teachers and school principals of the 3rd cycle of basic education (CEB), based on their opinions and reports. In this article, we develop a quantitative analysis of Portugal's results, comparing them with the average of OECD countries, based on the values obtained in the 61 indicators quantified in the ten areas defined in the two OECD reports on TALIS 2018 together with the OECD perspective regarding the influence of these indicators in improving the quality of education. We found that: a) for Portuguese teachers, the number of unfavourable indicators for improving the quality of education is much higher than the number of favourable indicators, both in the areas referring to basic skills and knowledge and in those referring to prestige, responsibility and autonomy; b) for Portuguese principals, the number of unfavourable indicators is higher than the number of favourable indicators in the total of all areas. We conclude that, according to principals and teachers (especially the latter), the educational landscape of the 3rd CEB in Portugal is far below the average of OECD countries in relation to the potential for improving the quality of education in this level.


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Author Biographies

Daniela Mascarenhas, Escola Superior de Educação do Instituto Politécnico do Porto, inED

Daniela Mascarenhas is an adjunct professor at the School of Education of the Polytechnic Institute of Porto. She is involved in the training of early childhood educators and teachers of the 1st and 2nd cycle of basic education. She has published several articles and is a collaborating researcher in several research projects allocated to the research centers CeiED and inED. She is an integrated researcher in inED center. She is a trainer in several continuing education programs for teachers and educators in Portugal and São Tomé and Príncipe. Post-Doctorate in Education Sciences, in the specialty of Pedagogical Supervision, from the University of Minho (2019). PhD in Education and Mathematics Didactics from the Faculty of Education Sciences of the University of Granada (2011) and validated by the University of Porto. She obtained the Diploma of Advanced Studies (DEA) in Education and Didactics of Mathematics from the Faculty of Educational Sciences of the University of Granada (2011). She graduated in Mathematics (via teaching) from the University of Minho (2003).

Vítor Rosa, Universidade Lusófona, CeiED.

Vítor Rosa has a Postdoc in Sociology, from the Centre for Research and Studies in Sociology/ISCTE – University Institute of Lisbon (CIES-ISCTE) and a PhD in Physical Education and Sports, EFD’s Didactic Branch, from the Faculty of Physical Education and Sports of the Lusófona University of Humanities and Technologies (FEFD-ULHT). He is graduated in Sociology from the University of Évora. He holds a postgraduate degree in Sociology from ISCTE-IUL and obtained a master’s degree in Demography and Population Sociology from ISCTE-IUL. He was a professor and a researcher at Université Paris-Ouest Nanterre La Défense (France), researcher at Université of Évora, and at the ULHT. He is currently Integrated Researcher at Interdisciplinary Research Centre for Education and Development (CeiED).

João Sampaio Maia, Universidade Lusófona, CeiED

João Sampaio Maia is an Integrated Researcher at the Interdisciplinary Research Centre for Education and Development (CeiED), Invited Associate Professor at the Lusófona University of Porto, and Professor Adjunto (retired) at the School of Education of Porto. He is graduated in Mathematics and in Mechanical Engineering from the University of Porto and has a Master and a Doctor Degree in Education from the University of Minho, Portugal. He participated in seven international educational projects, in European, Asian and African countries and is author of several scientific and pedagogical books and papers in the areas of education and mathematics.


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How to Cite

Mascarenhas, D. ., Rosa, V., & Sampaio Maia, J. (2023). TALIS 2018: Comparative analysis of the quality of education in Portugal in relation to the average of OECD countries, according to teachers and school directors . Portuguese Journal of Education, 36(2), e23040. https://doi.org/10.21814/rpe.29173

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