TALIS 2018: Comparative analysis of the quality of education in Portugal in relation to the average of OECD countries, according to teachers and school directors
TALIS 2018, Portugal, Quality of education, Teachers, School principalsAbstract
The Teaching and Learning International Survey (TALIS) is a study coordinated by the Organisation for Economic Co-operation and Development (OECD) about teaching, learning, classroom environment and the working conditions of teachers and school principals of the 3rd cycle of basic education (CEB), based on their opinions and reports. In this article, we develop a quantitative analysis of Portugal's results, comparing them with the average of OECD countries, based on the values obtained in the 61 indicators quantified in the ten areas defined in the two OECD reports on TALIS 2018 together with the OECD perspective regarding the influence of these indicators in improving the quality of education. We found that: a) for Portuguese teachers, the number of unfavourable indicators for improving the quality of education is much higher than the number of favourable indicators, both in the areas referring to basic skills and knowledge and in those referring to prestige, responsibility and autonomy; b) for Portuguese principals, the number of unfavourable indicators is higher than the number of favourable indicators in the total of all areas. We conclude that, according to principals and teachers (especially the latter), the educational landscape of the 3rd CEB in Portugal is far below the average of OECD countries in relation to the potential for improving the quality of education in this level.
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