Guidelines for Authors

Instructions for Authors

Authors should use the TEMPLATE of the Finisterra journal.



Finisterra publishes Research and review articles, Reviews, Author`s comments, Notes, Errata and Obituaries.

Manuscripts should be prepared in digital format in a recent version of Microsoft Word.



All manuscripts must be accompanied by the title page.

On the Cover Page, the corresponding author must:

- Mention all the authors of the manuscript in the order to appear in the publication;

- Pay attention to the names and surnames that will be associated with the manuscript;

- Present the affiliation of each author, including the position, Department / Research Centre, Faculty, University, city, country, and institutional email;

- The corresponding author must be duly identified and must present his full institutional address.



Articles should not exceed 35 000 characters with spaces, excluding abstracts, keywords, bibliography, figures and tables.

Bibliographic summaries should not exceed 15 000 characters with spaces.

Bibliographic updates and author comments should be a maximum of 10 000 characters with spaces.



All manuscripts must be formatted according to the TEMPLATE provided by Finisterra. If manuscripts are not submitted using the TEMPLATE formatting, they may not be submitted for review.

The body of the text must follow the Minion Pro font, size 10.5, without line spacing.



Titles, abstracts and keywords (maximum of 5) must be presented in Portuguese, English, French and Spanish.

Abstracts must contain approximately 1 500 characters with spaces and must not contain bibliographic references or citations.


Highlights of the manuscript are mandatory. They consist of a short number of bullet points that capture the relevance and novelty of methods and/or results of the study. Each bullet point must have a maximum of 85 characters, including spaces.


The word “figure” includes the following types of images: maps, graphs, drawings, photographs, infographics.

The title must be in two languages: original language of the manuscript (Portuguese / Spanish / French) and English, or, if the original language of the manuscript is English, in English and Portuguese). It must be concise and express the content of the figure.

The source should only be expressed if authors other than those in the text have been used.

All figures must be referred to in the body of the text, using the word "figure" if it is in the middle of the sentence, or the abbreviation "fig." if parentheses are used [e.g. (fig. 1)].

In addition to being included in the body of the text, the authors must submit all figures in an individual file, in colour and in shades of gray (not to exceed 5 MB; 30 MB for the set of images), in .jpeg format, .tiff, .bpm, .gif, .png, with a resolution of not less than 300 dpi. Each individual file is identified by the surname of the first author, the figure number and extension (ex: Durão_fig.2. Jpeg).

Figures must be of sufficient quality and legibility to allow reduction to the magazine stain (~ A5).

The paper publication of the Finisterra magazine is done in shades of gray, and the colour figures will only be available online. If you want the figures in your article to be printed in colour, the printing costs will be borne by the authors.

Cartographic standards

You can consult the Cartographic Norms of Finisterra (in portuguese) and see examples of figures.

You can access the North Finisterra symbol.

Cartography not prepared by the authors must present the source after the legend.


All graphics must be in an editable format in the Word file of the manuscript or be sent in a supplementary file in Excel (or other format).

The graphs must identify the units of measurement on the axes, avoid lines inside and have no external line (box).



The formatting of the tables includes horizontal lines, without external vertical limits, with internal vertical lines being allowed. Tables should be simple and preferably fit on a single page, avoiding long sentences, long numbers and too many decimal places.

All tables must be mentioned in the body of the text, using the word “table”, in the middle of the sentence or in parentheses [ex: (table I)], followed by a Roman numeric sequence.

All tables must be in an editable format in the Word file of the manuscript (regardless of authorship).

The title must be in two languages: original language of the manuscript (Portuguese / Spanish / French) and English, or, if the original language of the manuscript is English, in English and Portuguese. It must be concise and express the content of the table. The source should only be expressed if there has been recourse to authors other than those in the text.



The formatting of bibliographic references must comply with all the requirements of APA Norms 7th Edition (see APA Norms 7th ed.).

Bibliographic references correspond exclusively to the works referenced in the manuscript and must be inserted at the end of the manuscript, in the section “Bibliographical References”.

Bibliographic references are organized in alphabetical order. If there are several works by the same author, the chronological order is followed. If there is more than one work from the same year and author / a, the letters "a", "b", "c", etc. are added to the year. (e.g. 2020a).

All titles that are not in English must be translated into that language (to be enclosed in square brackets after the original title), except for legal documents.

Finisterra supports the use of bibliographic management software (Mendeley, EndNote, among others). However, the authors must make sure that their bibliographic references include all the necessary elements and comply with the rules of APA 7th Edition.



The essential notes (maximum 10) will have a Roman numeric sequence and should be included at the end of the manuscript as "end notes".

Notes that are merely bibliographic references are not allowed.



For research articles with several authors, a short paragraph specifying individual contributions must be provided. The following statements should be used (fill in only the options referring to the work presented, consult the CRediT taxonomy ( for the term explanation):

Name Author 1: Conceptualization, Methodology, Software, Validation, Formal analysis, Investigation, Resources, Data curation, Writing – original draft preparation, Writing – review and editing, Visualization, Supervision, Project administration, Funding acquisition.

Name Author 2: Conceptualization, Methodology, Software, Validation, Formal analysis, Investigation, Resources, Data curation, Writing – original draft preparation, Writing – review and editing, Visualization, Supervision, Project administration, Funding acquisition.