Ethics and a proposal to use unused data in scientific work


  • Serafim Camalhão Centro de Estudos Interdisciplinares em Educação e Desenvolvimento (CeiED) Instituto de Educação – Universidade Lusófona, Lisboa, Portugal.
  • Isabel Camalhão ISCTE IUL, Lisboa, Portugal



Unused data, Methodology, Knowledge, Ethics


Introduction: All scientific work in the social sciences don’t use all collected data and exclude elements that won´t be part of the result. This data can be useful to other researches, but it has ethic problems that difficult their use.

Objectives: Develop a methodology to use the data not analysed and propose an ethical interpretation that facilitates its use.

Methods: It was used the procedures and steps of a construction of an research project, having as a centre one methodological area and problem.

Results: The creation of a proposal of one methodology specifically destined to the use of unused data, open and flexible.

Conclusion: The utility of the use, not only of unused data, but also, all elements of a social research, that will benefit all knowledge. In the field of ethics, the focus is in the question of protecting communities, participants and the researcher. The ethical questions are too complex to be treated in one only article.


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How to Cite

Camalhão, S., & Camalhão, I. (2018). Ethics and a proposal to use unused data in scientific work. Millenium - Journal of Education, Technologies, and Health, 2(5), 23–31.



Education and Social Development Sciences