Accessibility, heritage, and project. Re-architectures for everyone




Accessibility, Cultural Heritage, Architectural Project, Learning, Sensory perception


Introduction: Designing to bring new cycles of life to Cultural Heritage requires providing it with new functionalities, making it appealing and safe, and also improving its conditions of use for all individuals. The third issue, accessibility, currently has to be a basic, cross-sectional requisite incorporated in the project process from beginning to end.

Objetives: In Architectural schools, the matter of accessibility is usually treated as a collateral issue or as a secondary subject. However, if it is considered to be an authentic project substance, future professions will probably be more committed to it.

Methods: Analysis of the state of the issue based on various published studies and of the problem areas involved in applying it. The students’ experiences in their training were also analyzed, based on their work on the ruins of the San Antón Monastery in Castrogeriz, on the Camino de Santiago [The Way of St. James].

Results: When accessibility is considered from the beginning of a project, as just another requisite, better architectonic solutions are achieved.

Conclusions: Focusing on learning about the problem areas involved in the use of Cultural Heritage by all people makes it possible to dig deeper into one of the most significant ingredients in architecture: sensory perception. Reflecting about the work in Castrogeriz can be a source of ideas that contribute to the architectonic debate on accessibility.


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Author Biography

José María Jové Sandoval, Universidad de Valladolid, Valladolid, España

José María Jové Sandoval (Valladolid, 1958) arquitecto por la ETSA de Valladolid (1983). Doctor en 2001. Ejerce la docencia desde 1989 como profesor de Proyectos Arquitectónicos de la ETSAV, donde es Profesor Titular desde 2002. Profesor de Doctorado (2001), y del Máster de Investigación en Arquitectura, en la materia “Arquitectura y Paisaje” (2011). Coordinador del Máster en Arquitectura, Subdirector de Innovación Docente. Premio en el Concurso Internacional "Living in the city", Dublín (1995). Premio de Arquitectura Julio Galán (1998). Se publica su obra en Arquitectura Viva nº 75: “Meseta Norte”, del año 2000. Coordinador del Congreso: 4 Centenarios. Barragán, Sert, Jacobsen, Breuer (2002). Participa con capítulos en los libros: La Mirada de Fisac (2008), 21 Edificios de Arquitectura moderna en Oporto (2010), Luces del norte (2014), Arquitectura, símbolo y modernidad (2015). Autor de artículos como: Louis I. Kahn, el paisaje telúrico y las maquetas de arcilla (2016). Es autor del libro Alvar Aalto: proyectar con la naturaleza (2003, reimpreso en 2009).


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How to Cite

Jové Sandoval, J. M. (2018). Accessibility, heritage, and project. Re-architectures for everyone. Millenium - Journal of Education, Technologies, and Health, 2(7), 103–111.



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