Obstetric violence assessment scale: development and validation





experience; labor, obstetric; violence; women; psychometrics


Introduction: Obstetric violence has been the subject of debate among health professionals and in the media.  

Objective: Develop and validate an instrument to measure women's obstetric violence perception of labor and delivery experience.

Methods: Based on the recommendations of the WHO, a scale composed of 38 statements was elaborated. The evaluation of the metric properties of the developed scale was carried out through an exploratory and confirmatory factor analysis involving 615 women.

Results: The final version of the scale, composed of 10 items, presented adequate adjustment indexes. The best quality model is composed of two dimensions (emotional and physical) (X2(34) = 150.946; p < 0.001, X2df = 4.440; CFI = 0.93; TLI = 0.88; GFI = 0.95; RMSEA = 0.07, p <0.001). The results revealed that the scale presents adequate internal consistency, in which the evaluation of exploratory factor validity verifies a good correlation between the variables. After analyzing the invariance of the type of calving, there was no metric invariance; however, the scalar invariance is sustainable.

Conclusion: The results demonstrate that the scale is adequate to assess the perception of obstetric violence in the experience of labor and delivery.


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How to Cite

Tavares, M., Alexandre-Sousa, P., Carvalho, S., Loureiro, S., & Mendes, J. (2025). Obstetric violence assessment scale: development and validation . Millenium - Journal of Education, Technologies, and Health, (26), e38806. https://doi.org/10.29352/mill0226.38806



Life and Healthcare Sciences