Reflections on the continuing education of teachers


  • Roselita Sebold UFSC, Brasil
  • Darclé Cardoso UFSC, Brasil
  • Marta Farinell Instituto de Educação,Letras, Artes, Ciencias humanas e Sociais, Universidade Federal do Triângulo Mineiro, Brasil
  • Daniela Carcerer Universidade Federal de Santa Catarina, Brasil
  • Rita Rausch UNICAMP, FURB, UNIVALI, Brasil


Health literacy, Health education, Health promotion, Continuous training


Introduction: The Department of Dentistry, the city of Rio do Sul, Santa Catarina, Brazil develops since 1991, continuing education of health education for school teachers critical early years in order to increase health literacy (LS) of educadore. The LS is seen as “a result of the person’s access to health information. This information may be appropriate for the individual to develop their comprehension skills, influencing the evaluation that can perform the actions to take. “ (Saboga - Nunes, 2014).

Methods: This study aims to describe the work in the continuing education of teachers from the perspective of health literacy and health education process, the projects carried out with the students.

Results: Socialization of projects in formations created an area of action-reflection-action by the broader concept of health approach, health promotion and health literacy. Through developing their understanding capabilities, ie appropriation of knowledge, management of the possibilities for health education work and enables educators and health professionals continues to expand, develop sequences of activities that promote health.

Conclusions: It considers that teachers are the literacy agents and articulators between the interests of students and flexibility with the community to act on the problem situations in the context of their schools.


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How to Cite

Sebold, R., Cardoso, D., Farinell, M., Carcerer, D., & Rausch, R. (2016). Reflections on the continuing education of teachers. Millenium - Journal of Education, Technologies, and Health, (1), 153–159. Retrieved from



Life and Healthcare Sciences