The umbilical relationship between rural tourism and competence in foreign languages


  • Lúcia Pato Instituto Politécnico de Viseu; UA



Rural tourism, abilities, foreign languages, success


Introduction: Foreign languages are of vital importance in tourism today, particularly in rural tourism. If we consider that more than a third of the demand for TER in the national territory is made up of foreigners (INE, 2017), we understand the importance of foreign language skills. Moreover, the Portuguese quality standard of the TER states that promoters of the activity must have at least knowledge of a foreign language.
If this is unquestionable, it is also true that in the universe of existing enterprises, several indications are that foreign language competence presents itself as a fragility for many enterprises.

Objetives: Taking as a reference a rural tourism enterprise, the objective of this study is to explore the importance of foreign languages in the success of tourism activity in rural areas.

Methods: In order to allow a deeper analysis, a case study methodology is used. In addition to a semi-structured interview, we use documentary information and the observation of the languages used in the online comments (in TRIPadvisor and

Results: In the interview the importance of foreign languages was highlighted. Many of the comments online are made in a foreign language.


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Author Biography

Lúcia Pato, Instituto Politécnico de Viseu; UA

Maria Lúcia de Jesus Pato é doutorada em turismo pela Universidade de Aveiro desde 2012 e possui mestrado em Gestão do Desenvolvimento Rural (2004) pela Universidade de Trás-os-Montes e Alto Douro. Desde 2001 desenvolve as suas atividades profissionais no Instituto Politécnico de Viseu, onde começou por lecionar disciplinas da área científica de economia e sociologia rural. Presentemente na categoria de professor adjunta leciona várias disciplinas na área da gestão, do marketing, do empreendedorismo e do turismo.

É membro colaborador da Unidade de Investigação GOVCOOP da Universidade de Aveiro. Recentemente participou no projeto de investigação “The overall rural tourism experience (ORTE) and sustainable local community development” promovido pela UA e financiado pela FCT.

Tem participado em vários congressos nacionais e internacionais na área do turismo (e afins) e publicado vários artigos também nestas áreas. Os seus interesses incluem a área do desenvolvimento rural e sociologia rural, do turismo, do marketing e do empreendedorismo.


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How to Cite

Pato, L. (2019). The umbilical relationship between rural tourism and competence in foreign languages. Millenium - Journal of Education, Technologies, and Health, 2(4e), 21–29.



Education and Social Development Sciences