A Pregnant and breastfeeding in the workplace


  • Carla Nunes USF Cidade Jardim, ACeS Dão Lafões, Viseu, Portugal
  • Cristina Morgado ULS da Guarda, EPE, Guarda, Portugal
  • Luís Costa USF Infante D. Henrique, ACeS Dão Lafões, Viseu, Portugal
  • Madalena Silva UCC Mangualde, ACeS Dão Lafões, Viseu, Portugal
  • Sónia Amaral UCC Mangualde, ACeS Dão Lafões, Viseu, Portugal
  • Cláudia Chaves Instituto de Ciências Biomédicas Abel Salazar, Porto, Portugal | Instituto Politécnico de Viseu, SIGMA – Phi Xi Chapter, CI&DEI, Viseu, Portugal
  • Paula Nelas Instituto Politécnico de Viseu, UICISA:E, Viseu, Portugal
  • Emília Coutinho Instituto Politécnico de Viseu, UICISA:E, SIGMA – Phi Xi Chapter, Viseu, Portugal




woman, pregnancy, lactating, job, occupational health


Introduction: Pregnant working women are considered to be a vulnerable group, so appropriate interventions must be developed to promote and protect both maternal and child health. Moreover, it can satisfy not only workers, but also employers and facilitate their return to work. 

Objectives: Analyze the conditions of the workplace in terms of occupational health provided to pregnant women and breastfeeding women. 

Methods: A classic research of scientific literature was carried out, using the Google Scholar search engine, the electronic databases of Portuguese repositories and the Portuguese Nurses Order website. 

Results: Several laws have been established to outline the rights of pregnant and lactating women in different countries, but signs of discrimination and non-compliance remain. It is important to approach pregnancy at work in a proactive way, moving towards organizational change that occurs with the support of employers. Pre-pregnancy investigation of work conditions and risks that may have harmful effects on pregnant women is recommended. 

Conclusions: It is essential that occupational health professionals act, promoting positive attitudes towards pregnant women, while supporting employers in adapting the work environment to pregnant women. 


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How to Cite

Nunes, C., Morgado, C., Costa, L., Silva, M., Amaral, S., Chaves, C., Nelas, P., & Coutinho, E. (2020). A Pregnant and breastfeeding in the workplace. Millenium - Journal of Education, Technologies, and Health, 2(5e), 153–159. https://doi.org/10.29352/mill0205e.15.00307



Life and Healthcare Sciences