Parents/caregivers of children with fever

attitudes in emergency context


  • Carla Silva Centro Hospitalar de Trása-Os-Montes e Alto Douro, Vila Real de Tás-Os-Montes, Portugal 2Instituto Politécnico de Viseu, Escola Superior de Saúde de Viseu, NursID: CINTESIS; UICISA:E,
  • Isabel Bica Instituto Politécnico de Viseu, Escola Superior de Saúde de Viseu, NursID: CINTESIS; UICISA:E, Viseu, Portugal
  • João Duarte Instituto Politécnico de Viseu, Escola Superior de Saúde de Viseu, UICISA:E, Viseu, Portugal
  • Madureira Dias Instituto Politécnico de Viseu, Escola Superior de Saúde de Viseu, UICISA:E, Viseu, Portugal



fever, parents, caregivers, child, attitude, urgency


Introduction: Fever continues to impel parents/caregivers into disproportionate demand for differentiated health care, resulting in an ineffective quality of care. This search seems to be associated with anxieties and fears that parents/caregivers manifest regarding how they deal with the fever that suddenly arises in their children or children in their care.

Objectives: Identify as attitudes of parents / caregivers towards a child with fever in the context of emergency; and identify the sources of information that influence them.

Methods: A quantitative, transversal and descriptive-relational study was conducted, in a non-probabilistic convenience sample. A self-administered questionnaire was applied to 144 parents/caregivers who used the Pediatric Emergency Department of a hospital in the north of the country, with children with signs of fever.

Results: The average age of parents/caregivers is 32.6 years ( 5.68 years), being mostly women (mothers, grandmothers and nannies). More than half of the participants live in rural areas, 45.5% have higher education and 57.9% of women and 47.9% of men have a technical profession.
Parents/caregivers who sought health professionals as a source of information revealed a more appropriate attitude towards children with fever (p = 0.035). It was found that 25% resorted to the health line, 18.1% to the pediatrician, 16.0% to their physician doctor, only 6.3% to the nurse and 4.9% to the pediatric nurse.

Conclusion: It is imperative to give parents/caregivers skills that help them manage the effects of fever more carefully and effectively, in order to adopt a more appropriate attitude to this sign.


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How to Cite

Silva, C., Bica, I., Duarte, J., & Dias, M. . (2020). Parents/caregivers of children with fever : attitudes in emergency context . Millenium - Journal of Education, Technologies, and Health, 2(7e), 17–25.



Life and Healthcare Sciences