Factors influencing simulated practice in nursing education

scoping review





nursing, simulation, practice guidelines


Introduction: The development of a simulation scenario requires strategic planning to guide the simulated practice to contribute positively to the development of skills and a practice of excellence of future nurses.

Objective: To identify the factors that influence the construction of simulation scenarios in simulated nursing practice.

Methods: Scoping Review study conducted in the Scielo, CINAHL PLUS, GreenFILE, Lilacs, PubMed, RCAAP databases, with the Boolean phrase "Nursing AND Simulation AND Practice Guidelines". The inclusion criteria were defined as studies written in Portuguese, English, and Spanish with full text available and involving undergraduate nursing students, and therefore with adult participants over 18 years old.

Results: As a result of the research, 10 articles were included. In the studies, we identified factors that influence the construction of simulation scenarios among them, that balance between moments of clinical practice and discussion with the students, moments of reflection, the role of the facilitator, the facilitating communication/students, the clear definition of the objectives and the realism of the scenario.

Conclusion: Clinical practice in nursing has been subjected to a constant evolution, at a theoretical/scientific and practical level. The identification of factors influencing the construction of simulation scenarios in simulated nursing practice facilitates a greater improvement at a practical level and a substantial reduction of clinical errors, thus constituting an excellent contribution to Nursing Simulation.


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How to Cite

Mota, L., Monteiro, C., Pacheco, C., Silva, M. F., Amador, R. ., & Tatiana, T. (2021). Factors influencing simulated practice in nursing education: scoping review . Millenium - Journal of Education, Technologies, and Health, 2(16), 57–63. https://doi.org/10.29352/mill0216.24976



Life and Healthcare Sciences