About the Journal

History, scope and objectives

The Portuguese Journal of Education (PJE) publishes original scientific studies in the area of Education. Founded in 1988, it is one of the oldest scientific journals on Education in Portugal and, since then, it has become a journal of international reference. It is published by the Research Centre on Education of the Institute of Education of the University of Minho.

The journal accepts the submission of manuscripts on empirically sustained research or texts of innovative theoretical reflection that contribute to the advancement of knowledge on topics such as social inclusion, citizenship, human rights; school policies, governance and organisation; pedagogy and formal education (classroom, teachers, students and didactics), non-formal and informal education; and interface articles between these and other areas related to Education. The journal also accepts the submission of critical reviews of books, published in the last three years, counting from the calendar year of submission, although it also accepts reviews of older works, on the condition that they provide innovative and critical perspectives, duly substantiated.

The Portuguese Journal of Education aims at: (1) disseminating and promoting the use of the results of fundamental, oriented, applied and/or experimental research, in the field of Education Sciences (2) constituting a forum for permanent study and debate on the evolution of education in Portugal and internationally; (3) providing critical information on the most important developments in education, nationally and internationally.


The Portuguese Journal of Education is published on a continuous publishing.

Qualis CAPES Rating

Its current QUALIS evaluation from 2017-2020 is A1 in Education.


SCImago Journal & Country Rank

12th percentile
Powered by  Scopus


ISSN 0871-9187/ E-ISSN: 2183-0452.

Publication Principles

As one of the aims of PJE is to contribute to the strengthening of the scientific community in which it belongs, it accepts the submission of papers situated in an international context and written in one of four languages, namely Portuguese (European Portuguese or Brazilian Portuguese, provided they are consistently used), Spanish, English or French. It also encourages the publication of works by young researchers, along with recognised names in the scientific area to which it applies. PJE adopts the new spelling agreement. Portuguese authors who choose not to do so must explain their choice of the previous standard. Authors of other nationalities are expected to consistently adopt the spelling standard in force in their country of origin. 

The selection and publication process of the manuscripts submitted to PJE takes into account the quality and social relevance of the objects of investigation as well as the plurality of the scientific paradigms assumed and discussed, of the disciplines and voices that build knowledge on foundational and controversial issues in the field of Education.

The contents of the submitted manuscripts and the opinions expressed in them are the exclusive responsibility of their authors. However, texts with racist, sexist, xenophobic, homophobic or any other discriminatory content or language will not be accepted.

Publication Fees

The Portuguese Journal of Education charges no fees to authors for submission, peer review, linguistic revision, pagination, publication, distribution, online availability and download of the article.

Peer Review Process

All papers submitted for publication will be submitted to a preliminary analysis by the Journal’s Direction and Triage Team, who will apply the following suitability criteria:

a) respect for editorial policies and full compliance with submission conditions;

b) texts on education or that, in some way, incorporate relevant educational contributions;

c) structure and content of a scientific article;

d) non-discriminatory content and/or language.

Subject to these conditions, the content of the manuscripts is subject to detection of plagiarism. In case of suspicion of inappropriate conduct, the author (s) is / are contacted by the Board to clarify the questions or doubts raised. The text may or may not continue to be evaluated based on the result of this process, the PJE Board being responsible for making this decision.
Compliant works will be evaluated on a double anonymous basis (double-blind review) by external experts, members of the Editorial Board, or selected ad hoc evaluators. The evaluation criteria followed by the evaluators are as follows:

     a) Originality and relevance;
     b) Consistency in argumentation;
     c) Theoretical and empirical basis;
     d) Adequacy of methodological options;
     e) Timeliness of the reference bibliography;
f) Clarity of the exhibition and organization;
g) Textual correction.

When there is a conflict in the reviews, a new review may be requested. The final decision is made by the editors.
The evaluation process usually takes between 6 months to 1 year. However, this period may vary depending on the complexity of the evaluations, the response of the evaluators and the nature of the modifications suggested and made. The dates of submission, acceptance and publication of each manuscript are indicated in the published article. 

The editorial process is represented by the following flowchart:

Open Access Policy

This journal provides immediate open access to its content on the principle that making research freely available to the public supports a greater global exchange of knowledge.

Antiplagiarism Policy

All submitted articles are checked for plagiarism. Authors must ensure originality of articles and must mention and correctly cite all information from other publications. Plagiarism is unethical behaviour and is considered fraud.


This journal utilizes the LOCKSS system to create a distributed archiving system among participating libraries and permits those libraries to create permanent archives of the journal for purposes of preservation and restoration. More...

a) Indexing Bases

SciELO Portugal (http://www.scielo.gpeari.mctes.pt),

SciELO Citation Index of Clarivate Analytics (https://clarivate.com/),

SCOPUS of Elsevier (https://www.scopus.com/search/form.uri?display=basic)

b) Directories

DOAJ (Directory of Open Access Journals – http://www.doaj.org),

Repository & Catalog 2.0 Latindex (Online Regional Information System for Scientific Journals from Latin America, the Caribbean, Spain and Portugal - http://www.latindex.org),

Dialnet (https://dialnet.unirioja.es)

REDIB (https://www.redib.org/),

ERIH Plus (https://dbh.nsd.uib.no/publiseringskanaler/erihplus/)

Indexar (https://www.indexar.pt/#/repositories/660d801ab88aab00437588b0)

c) Databases

RedALYC (Network of Scientific Journals of Latin America and the Caribbean, Spain and Portugal– http://www.redalyc.com),

MIAR (http://miar.ub.edu/issn/0871-9187),

PUBLINDEX (http://www.colciencias.gov.co/content/publindex)


List of Evaluators



The Portuguese Journal of Education’s (PJE) Code of Ethics is based on the Code of Conduct and Best Practice for Journal Editors of the Committee on Publication Ethics (COPE) and on the Code of Ethics of the American Educational Research Association (AERA). They follow 3 principles that are equally applied to editors, authors, and reviewers:

  • Professional, Scientific, and Scholarly Responsibility;
  • Integrity;
  • Respect for People’s Human Rights, Dignity, and Diversity.



1. Professional, Scientific, and Scholarly Responsibility

  • Editors of the Portuguese Journal of Education (PJE) are aware of the professional and scientific responsibility involved in the dissemination of sound educational research. As an open access journal, the PJE makes a contribution to the public good, by striving to advance available scientific and scholarly knowledge;
  • By accepting to become an editor for the PJE, editors are obliged to provide a high quality service to the extent of their best capabilities and knowledge;
  • The editors are accountable for everything published in the PJE. They ensure quality assurance mechanisms (like detecting plagiarism, among others), archiving and wide dissemination of published material;
  • Editors’ decisions to accept or reject a paper for publication should be is based on the paper’s importance, originality and clarity, and as well the study’s validity and its relevance to the remit of the journal;
  • Editors ensure the selection of the most qualified reviewers for each article, in a minimum of 2 per article.
  • While assuming this editorial role, PJE editors may not submit manuscripts to the journal.

 2. Integrity

  • The editors will inform the authors of the submission, evaluation, and publication process, ensuring that the process will be carried out in the least time possible;
  • The editors ensure the confidential nature of the review process (peer double-blind), as well as the anonymity of both authors and reviewers. They supervise editorial office staff accordingly, thus strictly guaranteeing the confidentiality of the whole process;
  • The editors will publish all manuscripts accepted for publication, unless major errors or ethical violations (e.g., plagiarism or other misconduct) are discovered after acceptance;
  • In case of detection of plagiarism or other misconduct, editors will follow the guidelines provided by COPE (see flowchart for Plagiarism in https://publicationethics.org/resources/flowcharts);
  • Editors are willing to publish corrections, clarifications, retractions and apologies when needed;
  • Decisions to edit and publish are not determined by the policies, agencies, entities or people outside of the journal itself.

3. Respect for Human Rights, Dignity, and Diversity

  •  Editorial decisions are not affected by the origins of the manuscript, including the nationality, ethnicity, political beliefs, race, or religion of the authors;
  • In spite of the fact that the responsibility of the content and language of the manuscripts lies with the authors, the editors of the PJE do not accept texts with discriminatory and/or offensive content or language for a specific social group to enter the reviewing process. 



1. Professional, Scientific, and Scholarly Responsibility

  •  Authors should carefully read the description of the scope and objectives of the journal. They should make sure that the paper submitted has the required quality and constitutes a significant contribution to be disseminated worldwide;
  • In cases of multiple authorship, authors confer with all other authors prior to submitting paper for publication and establish authorship agreements regarding the submission. The order with which they appear reflects their degree of responsibility and implication and all authors should have contributed to the research;
  • The authors declare that there are no conflicts of interest that may have influenced the results or conclusions of the work submitted;
  • The authors should identify the funding sources or projects that support the research presented in the paper;
  • When requested, authors make data available to the editor to verify a finding or address questions that arise in the course of review;
  • When a significant error is identified in an article, the authors should immediately notify the editor of the PJE. They should provide the necessary information to rectify that error. The editor will insert a correction note in the published article.

2. Integrity

  • Authors of articles sent to the PJE make sure that the work is original and has not been published or submitted elsewhere;
  • Authors do not falsify or fabricate data, data sources, findings, claims, or credentials;
  • Authors should explicitly identify, credit, and reference other author(s) when they take data or material verbatim from another person’s work; they provide acknowledgment of and reference to the use of others’ work, and they do not present others’ work as their own, thus avoiding plagiarism (e.g., unattributed use of large portions of text and/or data, presented as if they were their own);
  • Authors should obtain written or oral informed consent from research participants or their legally authorized representatives when ethically appropriate. They should be prepared to present it to the editors when required. They should also be prepared to present the approval for research by an appropriate body when required.

3. Respect for Human Rights, Dignity, and Diversity

  • Authors do not use any form of offensive, discriminatory, or abusive language based on: “race”; ethnicity; culture; national origin; gender; sexual orientation; gender identity; age; religion; language; disability; health conditions; socioeconomic status; marital, domestic, or parental status; or any other;
  • Authors ensure that confidential information is protected. They do so to ensure the integrity of research and to protect sensitive information obtained in research.



1. Professional, Scientific, and Scholarly Responsibility

  • By accepting to review texts to the PJE, the reviewers are obliged to give a high quality service to the extent of their best capabilities and knowledge;
  • Reviewers should adhere to the evaluation criteria provided by the PJE, as well as respect deadlines for review out of respect for authors and their work.

2. Integrity

  • Reviewers are obliged to provide an objective, honest, constructive, and informative review. They should inform the author(s) about relevant research not yet cited;
  • Reviewers should inform the editor when they detect any form of ethical malpractice when reviewing a manuscript;
  • Reviewers should refuse carrying out a review, if they identify the author(s) and/ or the work or when there are conflicts of interest (personal, professional, financial or other);
  • In reviewing texts, reviewers respect the confidentiality of the process and do not discuss it with others. They should not use the information acquired to their own advantage.

3. Respect for Human Rights, Dignity, and Diversity

  • In their reviews, reviewers should use constructive and objective language, with no malice or any form of bias.


The Portuguese Journal of Education adheres to the Code of Conduct and Best Practice for Journal Editors of the Committee on Publication Ethics (COPE): http://publicationethics.org/resources/code-conduct