PISA, TIMSS and PIRLS in Portugal: A comparative analysis
In this article we present a comparative analysis of three international surveys: PISA, carried out by OECD, and TIMSS and PIRLS, undertaken by IEA, considering their general objectives and the data correlation on Portugal (by NUTS III regions). The literature and documental review has shown how results can be reformulated or reinterpreted by the different social actors, and that they are seen by the political decision makers and organizations as a tool for school system comparison, revealing strengths and weaknesses. The analysis of general results reveals that Portugal’s results has been improving in PISA, in the three domains (reading, mathematics and sciences), that they have improved in TIMSS in mathematics, while the reading performance in PIRLS has declined. The comparative analysis by regions has shown that there is a difference in results by regions and that, while the domain factor does not seem relevant, the object of evaluation factor in each study seems decisive for the results of the surveys. This comparison has also revealed a direct link between the GDP/inhabitant and the results of the surveys in regions with extreme values of GDP/inhabitant, although this relation does not exist for most regions.
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