2019 | Artigo do Ano
A Finisterra felicita os/as vencedores/as do Prémio Melhor Artigo de 2019.
Os/as vencedores/as são determinados por votação de uma Comissão nomeada para o efeito. Os manuscritos publicados na Finisterra são avaliados pela clareza da escrita e conteúdo, organização, gráficos, contribuição para o conhecimento, etc.
No dia 23 de novembro, após a Conferência Anual de Finisterra (Álvaro Domingues), a Presidente do juri, Jennifer McGarrigle, apresentou os vencedores do Artigo do Ano 2019 e três menções honrosas.
O Artigo do Ano da Finisterra, destinado a premiar o melhor artigo publicado na revista em 2019, foi atribuído a:
Ana Laura González-Alejo, Enrique Propin Frejomil e Ana Rosa Rosales-Tapia, Spatial patterns of access to retail food outlets in Mexico City, Finisterra – Revista Portuguesa de Geografia, LIV(111), 133-152.
This paper presents a spatial and quantitative approach to identify patterns of access to food retail and its association with urban marginalization in Mexico City. The spatial distribution of food establishments was identified using the moving windows method, in a scale of analysis of 100 m2, to delimitate areas with differentiated access to healthy and unhealthy outlets. This method revealed the spatial patterns of access to retail food outlets that are manifested with large areas of downtown, north, and east of the city exposed to an unhealthy retail food environment, while the peripheral areas of the south and southeast are under the influence of food deserts. It was revealed that 21.9% of the urban territory of the city is a healthy food environment and is distributed in the south and west of the city. It was also found that the population with the highest levels of marginalization and with medium levels are those who are exposed to unhealthy retail food environments. Chi-square test and a bivariate regression were used to determine associations between marginalization levels of the population, types of retail food environments, schooling and population density. The results indicate an association between high levels of marginalization and limited or limited access to healthy food environments, as well as a negative relationship between low levels of schooling and the density of unhealthy foods in the territory.
Menções Honrosas do Júri:
Mireia Baylina, Montserrat Villarino, Maria Dolors Garcia Ramon, Maria Josefa Mosteiro, Ana Maria Porto e Isabel Salamaña, Gender and innovation in the new re-ruralization processes in Spain, Finisterra – Revista Portuguesa de Geografia, LIV(110), 75-91.
En la última década se ha observado en algunas zonas rurales bien comunicadas de España un retorno de mujeres y hombres adultos jóvenes que se instalan en este medio para desarrollar proyectos profesionales propios. Este proceso de cambio en las comunidades rurales no es exclusivo de España sino que también se observa en Europa. Este artículo examina quien hay detrás de los nuevos procesos de re-ruralización en España a partir del análisis de proyectos profesionales llevados a cabo por hombres y mujeres adultos jóvenes, formados y con experiencia urbana. Estos agentes no son neutros en cuanto al género, con lo cual se toma esta categoría analítica para examinar las relaciones de poder que subyacen en estos procesos atendiendo a los objetivos, oportunidades y dificultades que tienen unos y otras en el origen de sus proyectos. La investigación se ha realizado a través de entrevistas en profundidad para poder conocer cómo las personas dan sentido a sus propias experiencias. Los resultados confirman la existencia de procesos de re-ruralización marcados por iniciativas innovadoras y muy profesionalizadas desarrolladas por mujeres y hombres cuyos discursos revelan nuevas formas de desigualdad y distintos mecanismos de poder.
Monika Maciejewska e Carme Miralles-Guasch, “I have children and thus I drive”: Perceptions and motivations of modal choice among suburban commuting mothers, Finisterra – Revista Portuguesa de Geografia, LIV(110), 55-74.
The aim of this study is to understand the modal choice of mothers who commute to a suburban destination. The analysis, takes into account trips related to all daily activities they are engaged in, and not just the commuting. However, the fact of having an intermunicipal trip to work is crucial since it conditions other travels. Using 15 in-depth interviews, we focus on feelings, perceptions and beliefs expressed by the respondents about their regular modal choice and the existing transportation alternatives. All participants commute to a suburban activity node in the Barcelona Metropolitan Region (Spain). Understanding the experience of this particular population segment may be useful to policymakers in creating effective programs and policies aimed at replacing car usage with more sustainable modes of transport.
Ana Paula Assunção, Cemetery tourism in Loures: the value of the transfiguration of a cemetery, Finisterra – Revista Portuguesa de Geografia, LIV(111), 37-59.
The western necropolis has been structured around a texture of signs and symbols that evoke the memory of the past, on the one hand, and, on the other hand, bring to the present ancient rituals of the search for eternity that have been reproduced since the 18th century. Taking into consideration constant memories, proto-memory, and the philosophy of memory, the fact is that the evocation of what is absent has led to different discourses such as its transfiguration into cultural and tourism assets on a global scale. Since the end of 1990s, the various uses of a cemetery have been emphasized and resulted in differentiated concepts and perspectives regarding tours at the site. As such, it is now common to consider there is a wide set of attitudes vis a vis death and its records. One of the reasons and motivations for this research is also the growth and diversification of the tourist offer. This article compiles the existing scientific information on tourism, specifically cemetery tourism, analyses the above-mentioned approaches; and uses as case study the Loures Municipal Cemetery, in order to draw reliable conclusions and contribute to scientific research in this specific field. One of the main finding aspects of the observation is the hypothesis regarding the possibility of developing cemetery tourism in non-Romantic cemeteries, as it is the case with the Loures Cemetery.
O juri do Artigo do Ano 2019 foi composto por: Jennifer McGarrigle (Presidente) (CEG, IGOT, ULisboa, Portugal), João Cabral (Faculdade de Arquitetura, ULisboa, Portugal), Joseli Maria Silva (Universidade Estadual de Ponta Grossa, Brasil), José Carlos Teixeira (University of British Columbia, Canadá), Núria Benach (Universitat de Barcelona, Espanha), Maria Helena Esteves (CEG, IGOT, ULisboa, Portugal), Nuno Costa (CEG, IGOT, ULisboa, Portugal), e Sérgio Oliveira (CEG, IGOT, ULisboa, Portugal).
Ana Laura González-Alejo (1ª autora do Melhor Artigo do Ano 2019)
Imagem autorizada, extraída do evento de atribuição do “Prémio Artigo do Ano 2019” na Lição Anual da Finisterra 2020