Da mobilidade estudantil à mobilidade social:

os estudantes angolanos, brasileiros e cabo verdianos em Portugal


  • Elisa da Palma Alves Centro de Estudos Geográficos, Instituto de Geografia e Ordenamento do Território, Universidade de Lisboa, https://orcid.org/0000-0002-8263-7261
  • Juliana Iorio Centro de Estudos Geográficos, Instituto de Geografia e Ordenamento do Território, Universidade de Lisboa,




Com base numa metodologia mista, analisamos os perfis dos estudantes angolanos, brasileiros e cabo-verdianos em mobilidade no ensino superior português. Questionamos as suas motivações e a relação entre projeto de mobilidade e a mobilidade social que esta trajetória migratória pode representar. Os resultados salientam a importância das bolsas de estudo, da língua portuguesa e do prestígio das universidades. Estes aspetos são marcados por questões de classe social, mas também influenciados pelo passado colonial português e pelo desenvolvimento tardio do ensino superior nos países de origem. Os dados mostram que a mobilidade internacional parece contribuir para um projeto de mobilidade social ascendente.



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Biografias Autor

Elisa da Palma Alves, Centro de Estudos Geográficos, Instituto de Geografia e Ordenamento do Território, Universidade de Lisboa,

Elisa Alves is a PhD Fellow of the Foundation for Science and Technology in Migration, at IGOT - Institute of Geography and Spatial Planning - University of Lisbon. At this moment, she is in the final stage of her thesis, under the title “Angolan and Cape Verdean students in Portuguese higher education: motivations and mobility strategies”. She has a master’s degree in Education and Society, by ISCTE - University Institute of Lisbon and a second one in Economics and Public Policy, by ISEG – Lisbon School of Economics and Management - University of Lisbon. She did her first degree in Political Science and International Relations at the Catholic University of Portugal. Has collaborated with the European Migration Network and the Portuguese Immigration and Borders Service in several studies on the Portuguese case, as consultant and author. Has also participated in several research projects at the CIES - Centre for Research and Studies in Sociology of ISCTE. She is an active member of IMISCOE, an international network on the International Migration, Integration and Social Cohesion in Europe. She is author and co-author of many publications in scientific journals and books on higher education and international student mobility.

Juliana Iorio, Centro de Estudos Geográficos, Instituto de Geografia e Ordenamento do Território, Universidade de Lisboa,

Juliana Chatti Iorio completed her PhD in Migration in 2018 by the Institute of Geography and Spatial Planning (IGOT) at University of Lisbon (with an individual scholarship from the Foundation for Science and Technology). She completed her master’s degree in Communication and Cultural Industries in 2005 by the Faculty of Human Sciences at Portuguese Catholic University, and her Graduation in Social Communication - Journalism in 1996 by the Pontifical Catholic University of Campinas. Since 2011 she has published 9 articles in specialized magazines, 3 book chapters and two books. Between 2011 and 2014 she was a Research Fellow in the THEMIS Project (Theorizing the Evolution of European Migration Systems). Currently she is Researcher at the Centre for Research and Studies in Sociology, at University Institute of Lisbon (CIES-IUL- ISCTE) and at IGOT.



Como Citar

da Palma Alves, E., & Chatti Iorio, J. (2021). Da mobilidade estudantil à mobilidade social:: os estudantes angolanos, brasileiros e cabo verdianos em Portugal. Finisterra, 56(118), 221–239. https://doi.org/10.18055/Finis21394


