Linguistic landscape in Macau: a comparative analysis before and during the COVID-19 pandemic
linguistic landscape; Macau; COVID -19 pandemic; quantitative approachAbstract
Introduction: The pandemic has had a broad and lasting impact on the Macau community, which has motivated many scholars to explore these effects from different perspectives. In our view, it would have special meaning to conduct a study from the perspective of the linguistic landscape.
Objective: Investigate how the COVID-19 pandemic has affected Macau's linguistic landscape.
Methods: Our research was essentially a quantitative study through a comparative analysis of specific data collected before and during the pandemic.
Results: The results showed that linguistic diversity in Macau was maintained, in parallel with the increase in the predominance of the Chinese mother tongue of the majority of inhabitants. Non-governmental organizations and institutions were less affected by language policy in disseminating messages related to the pandemic.
Conclusion: Macau's linguistic landscape transformed concomitantly with the changes caused by the pandemic, particularly in the demographic structure of the local community.
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