Territorial marketing: Proposal for the creation of the Beja brand


  • Eduardo Moraes Sarmento CEsA (ISEG/Universidade de Lisboa), ISCE; ULHT
  • Cláudia Louro Universidade Lusófona de Humanidades e Tecnologias
  • Carla Vargas de Oliveira University of Lisboa




Territorial Marketing, Brand, Consumer, Beja


In a more global and competitive, it is imperative that territories assume their role as creators of value that meets the needs and desires of its consumers/users. It is necessary to have a real perspective on how small towns can not only adapt to global change, but also increase their market competitiveness. This paper explores the characteristics and potential of territorial marketing and branding process, in order to understand what factors contribute to successful land management, and how these factors can be used on the creation of a tourism brand for the city of Beja, that reflects the attributes of the area and that creates a more attractive image to its target. For a full analysis of this theme we used two different approaches: (i) interviews with members of the regional government, the business community and the hotel business (9) and based on that information (ii) construction of a questionnaire administered to 185 tourists and residents during the year 2013.


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How to Cite

Moraes Sarmento, E., Louro, C., & Vargas de Oliveira, C. (2023). Territorial marketing: Proposal for the creation of the Beja brand. Tourism and Hospitality International Journal, 3(2), 20–40. https://doi.org/10.57883/thij3(2)2014.30146

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