2017 | Janice Monk 


Finisterra Annual Lecture 2017 wanted to honour the memory of Isabel André. Keeping this in mind, Janice Monk was Finisterra's invited speaker.

Janice Monk is a leading figure in contemporary Geography, an inspiring Woman, Professor and Researcher. Her professional trajectory brings hope to those who work on the margins, expands horizons, and multiplies connections.

Janice Monk (MA, ’63, PhD, ’72) is widely known for her research on geographies of women and gender and for her distinguished scholarly and service contributions to the discipline of geography. Janice’s involvement in non-hegemonic traditions of geography has encouraged international networks, enhanced disciplinary pluralism and hybridization, and made visible gender geography research in peripheral countries.

Janice’s many national and international honours and awards include:

1992. Lifetime Achievement Honors, Association of American Geographers
1997. Janice Monk Meritorious Service Award, Geographic Perspectives on Women Specialty Group, Association of American Geographers
1998. George J. Miller Distinguished Service Award, National Council for Geographic Education
1999. Australia-International Medal, Institute of Australian Geographers
2000. Lifetime Achievement Honors, Association of American Geographers
2003. Taylor and Francis Award, Royal Geographical Society (with the Institute of British Geographers)
2004. Distinguished Mentor Award, National Council for Geographic Education
2008. Outstanding Achievement Award, Society of Woman Geographers
2008. Enhancing Diversity Award, Association of American Geographers
2012. Lauréat d’Honneur, International Geographical Union
2013. Doctor Honoris Causa, Autonomous University of Barcelona
2017. Received the Inaugural Distinguished Alumni Award, Illinois University

With this Lecture, Placing Gender in Geography: Directions, Challenges, and Opportunities, Janice Monk honoured Finisterra.

 The lesson is published HERE